Saturday, April 21, 2007

Tonle Sap

Tonle Sap, January 2007. The largest body of freshwater in Southeast Asia

School children paddling home from school
Sony Cybershot

Sunset from the viewing deck of a floating restaurant/shopping mall/crocodile farm
Canon EOS 350D

Vietnamese boatpeople trying to rip me off. USD1 for a banana?
Sony Cybershot

Sunset with the floating village as backdrop
Sony Cybershot

Another sunset shot
Canon EOS 350D

Friday, April 20, 2007

My 6 Million Dollar Baby

Objects of desire don't come better than this. I am restlessly waiting for new stock to come in. In the meantime, I'll just drool over this soon-to-be mine Crumpler 6 Million Dollar Home, a camera bag that doesn't scream camera bag!